Hannaford Supermarkets
- Client Name Hannaford Supermarkets
- Project URL hannaford.com
- Completion Date 05/01/2011
A leader in the supermarket industry, Hannaford Supermarkets now wanted to lead the way in online grocery shopping.
Challenged with designing the new phase of their site, I wanted to break the convention of standard product in box shots and pre-formatted templates that looked like every other grocery site. Fortunately, Hannaford’s design team was top notch and created new photography and designs almost daily and the added effort was seen as another way to differentiate their brand.
With online shopping the end goal, Hannaford decided to launch phase one with online shopping list creations that would check stock and coupon gathering via your mobile device. With the “mom on the go” as an inspiration, the mobile site needed to be as robust as the desktop so streamlining was simply to ease use not limit function.